Network congestion occurs when a network link is carrying the maximum amount of data that the circuit bandwidth permits and the demand on that circuit is greater than the maximum bandwidth.

When #network #congestion occurs data packets are queued waiting for transmission and so there is a transmission delay and possible data packet loss, which reduces the quality of service. Network protocols re-transmit #datapackets when packet loss occurs which increases congestion to the point where circuit failure occurs and data transmission stops for a period of time until users are disconnected and the circuit recovers. This situation is called #congestivecollapse and will cause customers to loose the Internet connection.
“Congestive collapse resulting from network congestion will cause customers to loose the Internet connection.”
One of the tasks of the network monitoring software is to compile information for each data link. A data link might be a point-to-point wireless link that connects the PtMP tower to the Network Operations Center (NOC). The data throughput of each data circuit as a percentage of maximum possible data transmission is plotted with time. Data transmission information is collected for each data link of the wireless network.
Monitor Network Links
It is important to view how much of each link available bandwidth is being used. If the use is constantly at 100% during peak hours then it is possible that network congestion is occurring at that time.

The first graph shows a network connection that is operating at half maximum capacity and so there is no risk of network congestion.

The next graph shows a network link that is operating at maximum capacity for much of the time and so the link may exhibit network congestion with subsequent congestive collapse.

A graph such as the one above shows that the circuit capacity must be upgraded to avoid the risk of congestive collapse and the subsequent disconnection of customers from the Internet.
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